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T E A M W O R M . org • View topic - Bodyweight Exercises
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 Post subject: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:31 pm 
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:09 pm
Posts: 446
I've compiled a short list of bodyweight-based exercises for Kaboom. I will try to update this later (or maybe append) because I get a ton of questions regarding this stuff. Anyway.... here goes nothing:

Upper Body:
Standard pushup -- You know what this is. Do it.

Close pushup -- Pull your hands in and keep your elbows by your side. More isolation to triceps.

Diamond pushup -- Put your hands together under your chest to form a diamond. More isolation to triceps.

Incline pushup -- Put your feet on a chair, stool, step, etc. Push it!!!

Clapping pushup -- Throw your entire body and clap between pushups. Get your hands back into position before you smash your face on the floor.

One-handed pushup -- Keep your legs wide. Lower yourself with one hand. Keep your other hand on your back.

Waist pushups (planche training pushups) -- Place your hands extra low, down by your waist. Arch your back as you perform the pushup to get your head as high as possible. This is a core exercises that puts emphasis on the bottom part of your chest.

Dips -- Find a corner. Do your dips. You can also tricep dips on a chair or bench anywhere.

Handstand Pushups -- Use a wall. Kick into a handstand against it. Do pushups. If you're can't do a pushup, do some negatives instead.

Pull-ups -- Find a bar or something you can use for this. Do it at a park or whatever. Tons of them. Wide grip. Close grip. Reverse grip.

Supermans -- Lay on your stomach with your arms out in front of you. In a controlled motion, raise your left arm and right leg together. Repeat 30x. Switch to right arm and left leg. Repeat 30x. At the end, raise both arms and both legs simultaneously and hold them up for 10 seconds. This is why it's called a "Superman".

Lower Body:
Air Squats -- Squat in a controlled motion, putting your hands in front of you as a counterweight as you go down.

One-Legged Squats -- These are a pain. Hold one leg in front of you and keep your arms out straight ahead. Looking forward at all times, lower yourself on one leg until your quad is parallel with the floor. If you need to, hold on to something for stability.

Lunges -- You should know what a lunge is. Do them both walking and standing in place.

Jumping Lunges -- Stand in place. Go into a lunge, then jump up, switch legs in mid-air, and land in your next lunge. Repeat.

Pulsed Lunges -- Get into a lunge and pulse at the bottom 20x before you come up. Repeat with other leg.

Full Body and Core:
Jumping -- In place. Start in a deep squat and thrust your whole body (swing your arms too) to jump as high as you can. Don't be a wuss. Throw your WHOLE BODY.

Burpees -- Possibly the best exercise ever. It uses just about everything and requires very little space. Squat down, hands on floor. Kick your feet back into pushup position. Jump back up into a squat position. Then do the full-body jump (see above). Repeat.

Plank -- Get into pushup position, but on your elbows instead of your hands. Stay there for 60 seconds. For added discomfort (pain is gain, beotch) slowly raise one of your legs and hold it fully extended. Your hip flexors will cry. Repeat with other leg.

Bicycle Crunches -- Keep both legs off the ground. Hands behind head, elbows spread wide. Raise one knee to 90° while bringing the opposite elbow forward to come close to touching it. When doing this remember to (a) use a controlled motion and (b) think more about engaging your abs and twisting your torso than actually touching your elbow to your knee. DO NOT PULL ON YOUR HEAD TO GET YOUR ELBOW AND KNEE TO TOUCH! It's bad for your spine and you're doing it wrong!

Jack knives - Lay down flat on your back, simultaneously raise your hands and your legs to touch in front of you.

Back bend -- use a tree or wall to walk yourself into a back bend. Try to keep your shoulders above your hands and fold your torso as much as possible. This is definitely a flexibility exercise, but try flexing your glutes, shoulders, and back while doing it. Ouch! :)

More to come... if I get around to it.

“We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”
 Post subject: Re: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:58 pm 
Thanks man...
I am going to workout hard...

 Post subject: Re: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:16 am 
These information cover all the part of the body for the exercise,
which is quite effected for the fitness and health.

 Post subject: Re: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:35 am 
Hey man Thanks for the info about bodyweight exercises. I hope that many member's of the forum got much benefit's from this kind of the study and gain much knowledge from this study... Keep sharing more knowledge regarding this topic and let every one acknowledged.....

[Please do not spam board with links. Thanks. Edited by WuddaWaste.]

Last edited by Aldrich on Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:21 am 
These information cover all the part of the body for the exercise,
which is quite effected for the fitness and health.

[Please do not spam board with links. Thanks. Edited by WuddaWaste.]

 Post subject: Re: Bodyweight Exercises
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:58 pm 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:09 pm
Posts: 446
Burn in Hell, spammer. Read before you post. Maybe someone will believe it.

“We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”
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